- Identify key questions and Core Hypotheses in trait-based research.
- Identify data gaps that hinder the advancement of intra- and inter-disciplinary trait-based research.
- Coordinate the standardization of collection and curation of trait data.
- Build a model database to test explicit Core Hypotheses developed through TraitNet workshops.
- Facilitate the development of cross-disciplinary computational tools for merging, disseminating, and sharing trait data.
These activities will be structured around the design of a prototypical universal trait database, here referred to as TraitBank. It is important to note, however, that TraitNet itself, as an RCN, will not undertake to develop TraitBank, but rather lay the groundwork for such a facility.
Program Diagram

Co-Director & P.I. >>> Shahid Naeem
Co-Director & co-P.I.>>> Daniel Bunker
Associate Director >>> Farshid Ahrestani
Participation is open to individuals/institutes interested in trait-based research and/or informatics.
Contact information:
Attn: S. Naeem
Columbia University
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental
10th Flr. Schermerhorn Ext.
1200 Amsterdam Ave 5557
New York, NY 10027
email: Farshid Ahrestani
Tel.+1(908)313-6180 Fax.+1(212)854-8188