Ecoinformatics - Core References
Up one levelPublications that are core references of the ecoinformatics domain.
- 2001_Berners Lee etal._Sc.American_The Semantic Web
- The vision of the Semantic Web by one of the inventors of the internet.
- 2003_Cech.etal_NationalResearchCouncil_Responsibilities.authorship
- The responsibilities of authors of scientific papers in the life sciences to share data and materials referenced in their publications.
- 2003_Hendler_Science_Semantic.web
- An overview of how science would benefit form adopting semantic web technologies.
- 2006_Jones.etal_Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst._The New Bioinformatics
- Integrating ecological data from the gene to the biosphere.
- 2006_Madin etal._TREE_Advancing.ecol.research.ontologies
- Review of ecological ontology efforts and description of how these can benefit research.
- 2006_Williams.etal_ JWebSemantics_Ontologies.ecoinformatics
- SEEK (“Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge”): concepts, models, and potential applications of these ontologies on the Semantic Web.
- A brief overview of the Semantic Web by iPlant scientific reporter.